Discipline. Something I am terrible at. My goal for life is to have it. I come up with ideas or things I want to do and I never follow though. I think it is because I have a lack of discipline in my life. So, today is the day that I have decided to stop that train of lazy I have been riding on... Follow through, here I come.
First order of business, share great things I have heard of. Today is a day without shoes. Toms.com is asking people to so without shoes today to bring awareness to those who don't have the luxury of shoes. I think It's an awesome idea, if you agree, please participate.
Next... Music. The joy of my soul. My husband introduced me to the greatest website ever. TheSixtyOne.com It is a website for Indie music. The only way you can post your music is if you are unsigned. There are awesome ways to filter what you listen to, quests you can go on, and incredible music to be heard. Take a listen.
That is all for me this time, but in my efforts to have more discipline, I will be posting regularly. Every Thursday morning. We will see how it goes.
*** Photo courtesy of Toms.com
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